alif, waw, ya



This is how the letter looks in words


The sound made by "a" in the English word 'start'


This is how the letter looks in words


The sound made by 'oo' in the English word 'cool' (in a standard British English accent)


This is how the letter looks in words


The sound made by 'ee' in the English word 'feel' (in a standard British English accent)

Extra info

There's one variation of alif that you need to know about. It looks like this:

Arabic symbol hamza

Notice the little symbol (called hamza) above the alif? This symbol slightly changes the pronunciation of the alif.

Alif without hamza - a long 'a' sound, like in 'father'
Alif with hamza - a short 'a' sound, like in 'about'

(If you're familiar with linguistic terms, alif with hamza makes a glottal stop sound.)

It's time to practice what you've learnt

Flashcards with audio

1. Recognise alif, waw and ya individually

Arabic alphabet flashcards

2. Read words containing alif, waw and ya

Arabic alphabet flashcards

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Arabic alphabet quiz


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